
As an administrative specialist, who had been exposed to some fundamental problems of administration, I had been aware of the opportunities and the promises the computer science offer; but not just infrastructural benfits of advanced IT systems.
Advanced IT systems may offer great advantages over some problems indeed. however, the fundamental problems need to be approached more hypothetically by using theorems and methods of computer science. By considering whole processes, rules, requirements as a logical architectural system that requires to be designed, engineered, tested and debugged, also evaluated in the aspect of UX (user experience).

Rules-as-Code (the term also suggested by OECD) is the most interesting concept which is under development by various contributors. It has a great potential to change the process of rule making. Moreover, it makes the system debuggable and simulatable. Makes it possible to deal with fundamental problems, the time and energy consuming bugs.

I have also spend some time on this field. Studying dynamical checklists, how to define and codify the rules, requirements and the subjects of the regulations. There had been already a plenty of articles published by scholars. However, for a person of my kind, it s really not easy to develop itself in a novel field by means of personal interest due to financial and time burdens. Let's be aware of the studies and recent developments at least.


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